Statehood: The Pathway to Peace

J Street is urging President Biden to boldly state America’s readiness to recognize a demilitarized state of Palestine as the centerpiece of a comprehensive regional diplomatic initiative.

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About J Street

J Street organizes pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans to promote US policies that embody our deeply held Jewish and democratic values and that help secure the State of Israel as a democratic homeland for the Jewish people. We believe that only a negotiated resolution agreed to by Israelis and Palestinians can meet the legitimate needs and national aspirations of both peoples.

Working in the American political system, in the Jewish community and with others with whom we share core values, we advocate for diplomacy-first American leadership and policies that advance justice, equality, peace, and democracy in Israel, in the wider region and in the United States as well.

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House Passes Bill Forcing Biden to Approve Israel Arms Shipments, Axios
The White House and Democrats have pushed hard against the bill, casting it as an unprecedented infringement on Biden’s foreign policy prerogatives as chief executive. The bill is unlikely to get a vote in the Senate, and the White House has said Biden would veto it. The House voted 224-187 to pass the bill, which would require the “prompt delivery” of congressionally appropriated aid to Israel.

US Military Says Aid Is Now Being Delivered into Gaza over a Floating Pier, NPR
Already, the site has been targeted by mortar fire during its construction, and Hamas has threatened to target any foreign forces who “occupy” the Gaza Strip. Biden has made it clear that there will be no U.S. forces on the ground in Gaza, so third-country contractors will drive the trucks onto the shore. Navy Vice Adm. Brad Cooper said “the United Nations will receive the aid and coordinate its distribution into Gaza.”

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