Dear members of Congress,
We are rabbis and cantors in your district writing to urge you to cosponsor Congressman Andy Levin’s “Two-State Solution Act,” H.R. 5344. The bill embraces a number of key actions that the US government can and must take in order to truly support a peaceful two-state solution and an end to the occupation.
As American supporters of Israel and leaders in our communities, we believe only the two-state solution can guarantee the longstanding security and prosperity of Israel as the democratic homeland of the Jewish people. But support for the two-state solution must go beyond lip service and into the realm of tangible action to effect real change. We also believe that maintaining the status quo actively pushes the two-state solution further out of reach, which underscores the need for decisive action now.
The Two-State Solution Act takes a series of measures to maintain the viability and improve the conditions for two states. It reaffirms the US’ commitment to the Memorandum of Understanding negotiated under the Obama Administration and ensures that all $3.8 billion in annual assistance is used for Israel’s self-defense, not toward activities designed to permanently control and annex the West Bank.
The bill also would reverse policies implemented by the previous administration that undermined the potential for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. The bill makes clear that settlements are illegal under international law and calls for reopening the consulate to the Palestinians in Jerusalem. The bill would also rescind the Trump-era policy requiring settlement products to be labeled ‘Made in Israel’, restoring customs guidance which had been in effect under both Republican and Democratic administrations for decades.
The bill also addresses Palestinian actions and governance, reinforcing the Taylor Force Act’s requirement of the Palestinian Authority to reform its prisoner payments program and incentivizing anti-incitement efforts. This bill recognizes that Hamas is a terrorist organization that has fired rockets against Israeli civilians and that the PA has violated human rights and committed acts of corruption. To lay the groundwork for a democratic Palestinian society and fruitful negotiations with Israel, the Two-State Solution Act invests in Palestinian civil society organizations that promote human rights, democracy, and the rule of law.
As of October 13, the bill is supported by 31 members of Congress.
Now is a pivotal moment for Israel and the United States, and it is critical that members of Congress take the necessary actions to preserve the possibility of a two-state solution. We hope to see you cosponsor this vital piece of legislation.