Support Justice and Accountability for Omar Assad

To Secretary Blinken,

We, the undersigned, are deeply concerned about the events leading to the death of 78-year-old Palestinian-American Omar Assad.

Following an internal investigation that has resulted in disciplinary action against officers, we welcome and strongly support the State Department’s ongoing push for a thorough criminal investigation.

At the same time, we join with Senator Tammy Baldwin and Congresswoman Gwen Moore from Mr. Assad’s home state of Wisconsin in recognizing an urgent need for the US Government to conduct its own investigation. This must include whether there are systemic issues with IDF arrest and detention procedures in the West Bank, and whether US-supplied military equipment is being used in such instances contrary to human rights protections, US law or Israel’s own security interests.

As Americans and Palestinians, Mr. Assad and his family deserve transparency, justice and accountability.

The undersigned

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