Congress: Support A Humanitarian Pause

Dear Congress,

As pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democracy Americans, we urge you to speak out and support the Biden Administration’s push for a humanitarian pause in fighting to provide the support necessary to Palestinian civilians trapped in Gaza.

The Israeli government has a right to defend its citizens and to respond to Hamas’ horrific crimes against humanity in accordance with international law. At the same time, we know that families in Gaza cannot be made to pay the price for Hamas’ crimes, and that unnecessary horrors inflicted on civilians risks putting hostages at further risk and also splintering support for Israel as it works to defeat Hamas.

That’s why we need to press for a humanitarian pause to allow for immediate and large-scale deliveries of food, water, fuel and medical supplies; to allow families to reach shelter, negotiations to continue for the release of hostages, and aid organizations to deliver urgently needed support. It’s why we need to push the Israeli government for a full restoration of water, electricity and communications and ensure that civilians have access to desperately needed medical care and shelter.

In the midst of this crisis, we urge you to speak out and stand up for the best interests and human rights of both Israelis and Palestinians.

Sincerely, the undersigned.

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