Tell Congress: Support this deal.

The international agreement reached in Vienna is the best chance for keeping Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. It meets all the requirements of a "good deal."

It creates the most rigorous, intrusive inspection regime in history. It opens Iran's program to the light of day, keeping illicit military uses off the table. It protects the international sanctions regime, allowing them to snap back into place if Iran cheats. It puts a long-term, lasting end to Iran's nuclear ambitions. And it cripples Iran's nuclear infrastructure, blocking every pathway to a bomb.

Tell Congress: you -- and 60% of American Jews -- support this deal. They should too.

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    Subject: Help stop another Mideast war?
    Hey- After months of work, President Obama's negotiators have secured a deal that protects Israel, the US and the entire world. This agreement prevents Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. But some of the most hawkish voices -- of those in Congress and those who claim to represent the Jewish community -- opposed these talks and rejected the agreement before they ever saw it. I'm speaking out, and asked Congress to support this deal. Will you join me? Learn more at

    Rep. Ivey:

    A strong negotiated agreement is the best way to keep Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon and this agreement meets all the key points needed for a "good deal."

    As an American who's concerned about the security of Israel, the Middle East, and the entire world, I strongly urge you to stand with the majority of Jewish Americans and support this agreement.

    The international agreement reached in Vienna is the best chance for keeping Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. It meets all the requirements of a "good deal."

    It creates the most rigorous, intrusive inspection regime in history. It opens Iran's program to the light of day, keeping illicit military uses off the table. It protects the international sanctions regime, allowing them to snap back into place if Iran cheats. It puts a long-term, lasting end to Iran's nuclear ambitions. And it cripples Iran's nuclear infrastructure, blocking every pathway to a bomb.

    Tell Congress: you -- and 60% of American Jews -- support this deal. They should too.