Speak out against segregated buses
These aren't our Jewish values.

In a quick reversal, Israel's government changed its mind about instituting a plan that would lead to segregated bus lines in the West Bank—some for Jewish settlers, some for Palestinians.

It's good that the decision's on hold, but it's appalling that it was even considered in the first place. And it can't be allowed to come back again when the world's attention turns elsewhere.

Co-sign our letter to Jewish communal institutions now. Speak out about the kind of Israel we believe in: one that supports our Jewish and democratic values. Segregated buses? That's not okay.

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    Subject: Sign a letter and help speak out against segregation.
    Israel's democracy is a bright spot in a bleak region, which is why a a new proposal by Israel's defense minister that would lead to segregated buses in the country is so dangerous: it threatens the values that are the foundation of the Jewish homeland and risks further international isolation. Right now, the Israeli government has put the proposal on hold, but it's critical that the pro-Israel community speak out and have it cancelled entirely.
    Add your name now: http://act.jstreet.org/sign/separate-and-unequal/?source=taf

    Dear Friends,

    As supporters of Israel, we're committed to the future of the state as a Jewish and democratic homeland.

    So the decision by Israel's government—to put on hold a new plan for segregated bus lines—is good. But Defense Minister Moshe "Bogie" Ya'alon insists that it's a delay, not a rejection.

    That's why we need to make sure that the Jewish community speaks out clearly, so plans like these are cancelled outright, not just suspended.

    Leaders in Israel like President Reuven Rivlin and Opposition Leader Isaac Herzog have come out against this proposal. PM Netanyahu called this kind of segregation "unacceptable". MK Zehava Gal-On even said that it proves "democracy and occupation can't coexist." We need to speak out, too.

    Our values matter, and so do our voices. If we remain silent, the costs are high: further erosion of democracy, and even more international isolation. For Israel's sake, it's critical that the American Jewish community speak out.

    In a quick reversal, Israel's government changed its mind about instituting a plan that would lead to segregated bus lines in the West Bank—some for Jewish settlers, some for Palestinians.

    It's good that the decision's on hold, but it's appalling that it was even considered in the first place. And it can't be allowed to come back again when the world's attention turns elsewhere.

    Co-sign our letter to Jewish communal institutions now. Speak out about the kind of Israel we believe in: one that supports our Jewish and democratic values. Segregated buses? That's not okay.