Don't Allow Congress to Sabotage Negotiations with Iran

American and Israeli security experts agree that diplomacy is the best way to ensure Iran never acquires a nuclear weapon. With a new agreement in place that will keep Iran's nuclear program from advancing while negotiations proceed, now is the wrong time to legislate new sanctions.

After ten years of war in the Middle East, Congress should be doing everything in its power to support diplomacy.

Instead, some hawkish Members are proposing a bill that would undermine diplomacy by promoting new sanctions.

Reckless legislation now will only undermine the ongoing diplomatic process, embolden Iranian hardliners, and set us on the road to another disastrous Mideast war, a nuclear-armed Iran, or both.

Tell Your Representative:

Please support President Obama's diplomatic approach to Iran's nuclear program. Now is not the time for new sanctions that will only undermine the ongoing diplomatic process, embolden Iranian hardliners, and set us on the road to another disastrous Mideast war, a nuclear-armed Iran, or both.

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