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Twenty years ago, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated--murdered at a peace rally, by an extremist opposed to his vision of a peaceful future for Israelis and Palestinians. Today, as Israelis and Palestinians once again confront the reality of what a one-state future might look like, we're called not just to remember Rabin's legacy, but to act: it's time to make his vision a reality. With 1 click: Sign the petition. Ask Sen. Booker to support Rabin's vision today. Just minutes ago, a true champion of the pro-Israel, pro-peace vision introduced an important resolution in the U.S. Senate: Dianne Feinstein, along with an impressive list of co-sponsors is asking the Congress to join her in saying that honoring Rabin means more than just remembering, it means acting. So if you agree that two states for two peoples is the key to a peaceful future for Israelis and Palestinians... And if you agree that these 20 years have been too long to wait... Then speak out. Ask Sen. Booker to join in this important call with just 1 click. Prime Minister Rabin was a leader in war. He was a leader for peace. He believed in action. It's time for us to act. Tell Sen. Booker: join with Senator Feinstein in honoring Rabin. There's no time to waste. - Jeremy |
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