Illegal outposts are illegal

Thank you for sending a message to Secretary Clinton urging her to express strong disapproval of the Levy Commission Report. We need to make sure Israel stays a democratic homeland for the Jewish people.

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J Street | Urge US Opposition to Israeli Settlement Report

Join J Street in asking Secretary Clinton to convey strong opposition to the new Levy Commission report when she visits Israel next week.

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    Subject: Join me in urging opposition to the Israeli settlement report

    Hi --

    Did you see the latest news from Israel? The Levy Commission, appointed by Prime Minister Netanyahu, declared illegal outposts aren't actually illegal at all. And the occupation isn't an occupation.

    The State Department has already come out against this report, but Secretary Clinton is headed to Israel next week -- and this is her chance to convey our strong opposition in person.

    Sign the petition to Secretary Clinton and ask her to tell Prime Minister Netanyahu not to accept the Levy Commission report:


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    Join @jstreetdotorg in supporting @HRClinton's opposition to the Levy commission report

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    J Street | Urge US Opposition to Israeli Settlement Report

    Join J Street in asking Secretary Clinton to convey strong opposition to the new Levy Commission report when she visits Israel next week.